Points as of 10/04/2024, (Junior) Age Grade : 31/08/2024, (U23,Masters) Age Grade : 01/01/2024, Champs Points @ 01/01/24 , Champs (Junior) Age Grade : 31/08/2024, (U23,Masters) Age Grade : 01/01/2024
SurnameFirst NameRower IDAge GradeNoviceScull PointsSweep Points(Champs) Age Grade(Champs) Scull(Champs) Sweep(Champs) NoviceClubs Season(2024)
DuncanPadraic2140Masters ENo500500Masters E500500NoAthlone, Cox, Umpire, Coach.
Coastal Age Status @ 10/04/2024 , Age at 01/01/2024
Name Reg Num History Coastal Age Status Coastal Clubs
Duncan, Padraic2140Wins/PointsMastersMasters (50) Athlone Boat Club
Points Calculation
31/12/2023Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2023
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2023
Max: -500 hit
31/12/2022Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2022
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2022
Max: -500 hit
31/08/2021Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2021
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2021
Max: -500 hit
31/08/2020Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2020
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2020
Max: -500 hit
31/08/2019Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2019
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2019
Max: -500 hit
31/08/2018Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2018
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2018
Max: -500 hit
31/08/2017Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2017
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2017
Max: -500 hit
31/12/2016Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2016
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2016
Max: -500 hit
31/12/2015Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2015
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2015
Max: -500 hit
31/12/2014Time Away-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2014
Max: -500 hit
-1000500no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2014
Max: -500 hit
31/12/2013Time Away-1000500Accrued for 2013, crossover. time away deduction
Max: -500 hit
-1000500Accrued for 2013, crossover. time away deduction
Max: -500 hit
31/12/2013Time Away-1000500Accrued for 2012, crossover. time away deduction
Max: -500 hit
-1000500Accrued for 2012, crossover. time away deduction
Max: -500 hit
31/12/2013Time Away-1000500Accrued for 2011, crossover. time away deduction
Max: -500 hit
-1000500Accrued for 2011, crossover. time away deduction
Max: -500 hit
31/12/2013Time Away-100-100500Accrued for 2010, crossover. time away deduction-100-100500Accrued for 2010, crossover. time away deduction
31/12/2013Time Away-100-100600Accrued for 2009, crossover. time away deduction-100-100600Accrued for 2009, crossover. time away deduction
31/12/2013Time Away-100-100700Accrued for 2008, crossover. time away deduction-100-100700Accrued for 2008, crossover. time away deduction
31/12/2013Time Away-100-100800Accrued for 2007, crossover. time away deduction-100-100800Accrued for 2007, crossover. time away deduction
31/12/2013Time Away-100-100900Accrued for 2006, crossover. time away deduction-100-100900Accrued for 2006, crossover. time away deduction
31/12/2013Crossover100010001000AgeG: masters c, RowG: senior, crossover base: 750, win: 9400
501 rule hit 1000.
100010001000AgeG: masters c, RowG: senior, crossover base: 750, win: 9400
501 rule hit: 1000.

DateRegattaEventBoatGradeRace PositionPoints
Nothing found
DateHeadEventBoatGradeRace Position
Nothing found
Overseas Wins
No wins recorded
Registration History
2025yesCoxyesyesAthlone Boat Club
2024yesCoxyesyesAthlone Boat Club
2023yesCoxyesyesAthlone Boat Club
2022yesCoxyesyesAthlone Boat Club
2021yes-----yesyesAthlone Boat Club
2020yesCoxyesyesAthlone Boat Club
2006yesRowernonoAthlone Boat Club
Junior Additions
Nothing found
International Representation
Nothing found

Masters Deductions (post crossover)
Nothing found
Time Away (post crossover)
YearSweep deductionsSweep InfoScull deductionsScull Info
2023100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2023100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2023
2022100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2022100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2022
2021100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2021100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2021
2020100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2020100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2020
2019100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2019100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2019
2018100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2018100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2018
2017100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2017100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2017
2016100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2016100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2016
2015100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2015100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2015
2014100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2014100no overseas / champs / not paid as rower2014

Crossover Information
-Age GradeGradeBaseWinTotalNotes
Scullmasters csenior75094001000100.0 X 100 historical win @ senior : Total Pts: 10000
senior win points adjust 10000 - 600 = 9400
MAX HIT has 9400 + 750 so set to 1000
Sweepmasters csenior75094001000100.0 X 100 historical win @ senior : Total Pts: 10000
senior win points adjust 10000 - 600 = 9400
MAX HIT has 9400 + 750 so set to 1000

Masters Deductions (pre crossover)
Nothing found
Time Away (pre crossover)
YearSweep deductionsSweep InfoScull deductionsScull Info
2013100time away deduction100time away deduction
2012100time away deduction100time away deduction
2011100time away deduction100time away deduction
2010100time away deduction100time away deduction
2009100time away deduction100time away deduction
2008100time away deduction100time away deduction
2007100time away deduction100time away deduction
2006100time away deduction100time away deduction

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