HOR logon
Admin Logon
Regatta Logon
HOR Logon
Club Logon
Return to Rowing Challenge (30/10/2021) awaiting secretary validation
Castleconnell Head (06/11/2021) awaiting secretary validation
Irish Provinces Indoor Rowing Championships (20/11/2021) awaiting secretary validation
Coosan Lough Head (21/10/2023) awaiting secretary validation
Muckross HOR (02/12/2023) awaiting secretary validation
Muckross Head (07/12/2024) awaiting secretary validation
Head of the Shannon (07/12/2024) awaiting secretary validation
Shandon Head of the River (25/01/2025)
Newry Head of the River (01/02/2025)
St Michaels Head of The River (08/02/2025)
Sligo Head of the River (15/02/2025)
Cork Head of the River (22/02/2025)
Erne Head (01/03/2025)
Skibbereen HOR (2024 RE-SCHEDULED) (09/03/2025)
Lagan HOR (15/03/2025)
Tribesmen Head of the River (15/03/2025)
Lagan Scullers Head (29/03/2025)
Tullamore Time Trial (27/09/2025)
St Michaels Head of the River (Juniors and Masters (11/10/2025)
Bann Head of the River (18/10/2025)
Coosan Lough Head of The River (18/10/2025)
Castleconnell Head (25/10/2025)
Dublin Head of the River (25/10/2025)
Queen's Head of the River (01/11/2025)
Erne Fours (08/11/2025)
Lagan Autumn Head (22/11/2025)
Muckross Head (06/12/2025)
Head of the Shannon (06/12/2025)